


Good Afternoon everyone. I’m from (grade . class ) and my number is ( No. ).
Today, the topic I will like to talk about is 
“If I were the principal of my school, what would I do?”.

If I were the principal, I will plant many varieties of flowers and trees in my school. Simply because with a beautiful school environment, it will make everyone happy and comfortable.

Besides, this will attract many butterflies to dance over the flowers.

What an enchanting sight!

Upon seeing this, the students will too have a pleasant mood all day.

Secondly, I will also like to hold some ball games such as basketball or volleyball.

I believe this will enable the students to understand better the meaning of teamwork. Through games, they will also cherish the wonderful memories they share.
The third thing I like to do is to build a new students’ snack bar in senior high school department that offers all kinds of snacks such as milk tea . candies . cookies, chocolates, cakes, potato chips and soda etc. This snack bar will only be just for senior high school department students.

Lastly, it is my goal to make schooling as enjoyable as possible for the students.

I will work towards greater improvements and be better.

That’s the end of my speech, thank you for your attention.

本篇文章引用自此: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1612032800197


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